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South and Central American Cichlids for Sale – Stunning Freshwater Fish

South and Central American Cichlids are diverse freshwater fish native to the rivers and lakes of the Americas. Popular types include Oscars, Convicts, Severums, Firemouths, and Angelfish. These fish are available for sale in various sizes and colours, offering aquarists a wide range of options.

Are They More Aggressive Than African Cichlids?

American Cichlids are generally less aggressive than African Cichlids, but some species can be territorial. Behaviour varies between species, with peaceful cichlids like Keyholes and Angelfish contrasting with the bold nature of Convicts and Firemouths.

Tank Mates and Setup

These cichlids thrive in tanks of at least 200 litres with rocks, driftwood, and plants for hiding. Suitable tank mates include larger tetras, catfish, or other cichlids of similar temperament. For a harmonious tank, choose species carefully based on size and aggression levels.