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The Congo Tetra is found in the upper reaches of the River Congo in Zaire. They populate streams, tributaries, pools, and marshes, preferring murky, slightly acidic water. Congo Tetra generally congregates in areas with tall vegetation, few trees, and substrates made up of sand, silt, and mud. Swimming in large schools, the Tetra feed on worms, crustaceans, insects, plant matter, and algae.
Though full finned and rich with colour, it will generally not grow beyond 8cm. They have long, flat bodies with large scales; males also have long, flowing fins that are violet with white edging.
What makes these fish special is their amazing rainbow luminescence in their bodies from back to front, They are generally blue on top, red and gold in the middle, and blue on the belly.
Congo Tetras are schooling fish and can get nervous if they are not part of a group of at least six of the same species. If kept with other fish of the same size or larger, Congo Tetras are generally peaceful. Avoid aggressive species, as they will bully your Congo Tetras.
Congo Tetras are fairly hardy, but only if kept in habitats that are maintained correctly. They prefer still, dark, soft water and low light levels. This can be achieved with dim aquarium lights and floating plants. They like darker substrates and enjoy nibbling on bottom-growing plants.
Congo Tetras are omnivores which, in the wild, eat insects, worms, plant matter, and algae. In the aquarium, they are easy to feed: they enjoy live, fresh, and flake foods as well as brine shrimp and blood worms. They should be fed small amounts several times a day. Don’t worry if you don’t actually observe your Congo Tetras eating, as they can be shy about eating while being watched.
- Species – Phenacogrammus interruptus
- Common Name – Male Congo Tetra
- Origin – Congo River in Africa
- Diet – Omnivores
- PH Range – 6.0 – 7.0
- Water Type – Soft
- Temperature – Tropical 22°c – 28°c
- Breed Type – Egg Layer
- Current Size – approximately 6cm (Grows to approximately 8cm)
- Sex – Un-sexed
Weight | 0.1 kg |
Dimensions | 5 × 5 × 5 cm |
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